Thursday, September 25, 2008

Summary of Articles

Tasty Morsels: Several anecdotes from the German Bakery, and a summary about the derailment or hijacking of the Osho religious movement.

Amrito & Resort Drama: A brief tragic history with evidence that Amrito - Osho’s personal physician (and senior member of the inner-circle) - is (or has been) aware and supportive of my views.

More Resort Drama?: Does the complex web of deception and violence spread beyond the walls of deluded religious grandeur and gross and abhorrent ignorance?

A Sample of Unwellness Yum Yum: Torrential rains drench the resort and stir up the wells; does a run-down water treatment plant spit out contaminated drinking water?

Terrorism & Religious Violence: A perspective on how the Osho community is being terrorized.

Revelations and Responses: Some feedback from resort management, inner-circle members, and the sannyasin community at large. Please note some of the language is offensive.

Report to Police: Assault 2 Was the Eviction Notice that was plastered all over Koregaon Park not received well?

Notice of Eviction: Basically it says kick the buggers out!

Report to Police: Assault 1 The water contamination report was received well at the front-gate!

Water Contamination Report: And remember that the clouds are looming over the resort; indeed I would resort to bottled water if it rains!!!

Introductory Note: Gives a basic picture of negligence at the resort.

Further Reading: Sheela and Who? Gives a more detailed picture of negligence: from water, to water in food, to food, and beyond…

A Funny Email: Funny to some is not funny to others!

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